Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Life goes on.

P.S. Notes from my desk #12

I’ve always been a bit of a planner.
Like where I’ll go and what I’ll be,
When and in what manner.
Meticulous. My lists.
Wrote them diligently.
Friends often teased, called me OCD.
But I knew better, or so I thought.
Naïve, at age 20.
But life had other plans; ironically
Too many things, I didn’t foresee
I stumbled. I fell. Restarted consistently.
Learn, unlearn, relearn became key,
So many twists and turns, seriously!
This test of my patience, grit and ability.
My plans clearly - now history,
Bring it on – reborn, by age 30
Today I know better, here’s my clarity.
Live bravely; love life - unconditionally.
For it comes with little to no guarantee.
Fight. Face a curve ball, almost willingly.
Live each moment, fearlessly
For here’s the truth, undeniably.
This too shall pass, most definitely,

Life goes on; inevitably.


  1. You have been a planner, we all plan - but at some point we realize the frivolity of our being, we drown in our dreams and soak in the reality - And then like you said, things get clear, there is more clarity. We re-acquaint with our selves, understand our music better, even though our voice is colored with some resentment to things that really don’t matter anymore. Yes, Life goes on; inevitably- Very well written!!

  2. N you never fail to inspire me with your words and work! Thank you for sharing your thoughts +Shabbir Degani
